Saturday 31 December 2011

Happy New Year

So New Year is approaching, and I thought 'Crap I haven't made any resolutions'. Better to that now then.

1. Tidy the house (starting today) ugh...

2. Eat more healthily (goodbye junk food!) :'(

3. Stay on top of school work-no distractions-yeah right :)

4. Be more helpful to my family and friends (believe it or not I will find this very difficult-I'm just sooo lazy)

5. Keep New Year's resolutions using this!!
Happy New Year everyone :)
P.S- I do this one every year-write more.

Friday 30 December 2011

Prologue Completed!

At last I've finished my prologue to 'The Wizard's Apothecary'. The final word count is 1440 words, although I'll need to edit it. I submitted it to Absolute Write for critique and the feedback was mostly positive. I do use to many said bookisms though! I'm finally starting on chapter one-but progress is slow; I think I'm to tired to write at the moment. Just have to keep trudging on!
All I'm saying about chapter one at the moment is that...It starts in a graveyard (cue scary lights and dramatic music).

Thursday 29 December 2011

First Post.

I made this blog so that I could talk about my writing experiences and progress.  I am currently a children's/young adult novel called 'The Wizard's Apothecary'. I started writing the prologue at 12am today and continued writing until 7am with a few short breaks. At the moment, it stands at just under 1000 words. I'll say when I've finished it. :)